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Now offering Cage Free & Custom Suite Lodging


Dropping your beloved pet off for lodging at a place they are not familiar or comfortable with can cause excessive anxiety and fear while the family is away. We believe your beloved pet deserves better. At Woofles, our desire is for your beloved pup to be happy, comfortable and relaxed to enjoy themselves at their "home-away-from-home". In order to accomplish this goal and to make any reservations, your beloved pet will be required to attend daycare with us at a minimum of 1 day per month, every month, to establish a consistent, safe and social relationships amongst other dogs, in addition to our beloved staff.

Woofles takes exceptional pride in being the ONLY resort in Pittsburgh that offers cage free lodging where an attendant sleeps in bed with your beloved pup. 


Upon check in, your beloved dog will receive the FINEST in accommodations and amenities, including:

* Suite Lodging OR Cage Free Lodging

(comfortable, personalized and private)

* Supervised Play Group

(according to size, temperament

and level of activity for their own

personal safety)

* Individual Personalized Meals

* Pet Uber Service

(to and from resort if desired)

* Spa Grooming Services

(if requested prior to departure)

Current proof of Rabies, Distemper, and 6-month Bordetella vaccinations must be presented

before services can be performed.

Lodging Prices 

Drop Off  & Pick Up Times for Lodging:

Monday-Friday  7:30 am - 6:00 pm

Saturday & Sunday 9:00 am - 5:00 pm

All Major Holidays  9:00 am - 5:00 pm


Small Suite.....................$43 per day (Suite Lodging)

Medium Suite.........................$46 per day (Suite Lodging)

Large Suite............................$51 per day (Suite Lodging)

Extra Large Suite..................................$53 per day (Suite Lodging)


***($30 per day for each additional dog - suite lodging)



$77 per day (Cage Free Lodging)              *** $65 each additional dog

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